Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I finally did it.  We moved our son Danny into a big boy room after he was straddling the crib one brave night shortly after his 2nd birthday.  I hated the prospect of this daunting task.  Shift all the rooms in the house to make everyone happy.  That's not going to happen.  The nursery turns into a play room.  Greg's music room turns into Danny's Big Boy room, the guest room turns into Greg's music room and a guest room on the side.  Before we do this we have to have the ceiling replaced in Danny's soon to be new room...It had had a leak from our evil flat roof before and caved in, and while Greg didn't mind the big hole and nasty brown spots, I couldn't make Danny go into a stained nasty room...Ok fine, we replace the ceiling 2 weeks ago...Danny moves to his room.  Let me back up...First we tried a toddler bed...Please, for the love of all things holy, don't do this.  Who the hell invented a toddler bed?  A tiny little bed that kids can jump off of for hours of entertainment.  A tiny little bed that has tiny little rails on the side to keep them in. They don't keep them in, every morning my little guy would wake up half way across the room because he would roll out in the middle of the night and then proceed to roll all over the floor.  This brings me to the crib.  We had this crib delivered to our house when we were expecting Katie.  They came in, set it up, life was bliss with my beautiful Italian crib.  It made it through 2 kids and was a great crib.  In comes the toddler bed and the crib needs to be taken down.  I take out all the screws, and I get to the last screw...It's stripped...Damn!  I proceed to try every trick in the book for getting this screw out so I can officially take down the crib.  I use a rubberband.  Nope.  I use a pliers.  Nope.  I use a screw extractor.  Nope.  I superglued a nut to the top of the screw, waited for it to dry and then took a pliers to it.  Nope.  Tomorrow I am going to try epoxy.  I was hopeful with the superglue idea, it actually turned a slight bit before it popped off, so I am thinking epoxy might do the trick.  Any other ideas?  I am set to give my crib to our cousin on Saturday and I have no way of getting her the crib if I can't take it apart, and I don't want my beautiful crib to get hurt in the making of this blog...Did I tell you that 2 days ago when we had that insanely heavy rain, I came home to a puddle on Danny's bed.  That ceiling made it 2 f&%$'ing weeks!

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