Monday, August 22, 2011

Life Alterations...

As with many people I am finding myself in unchartered waters this coming month...It is called Back to school.  I know this has been going on for years and years, and I myself went through it, but it is a little different now that I am suddenly in charge.  I can remember bringing in my little boxes of tissues, and pencils, pencil boxes, etc etc.  I used to LOVE the back to school shopping.  Not for clothes since I was in a uniform, but all the notebooks and backpacks.  I would come home and pack everything up, then unpack and re-pack.  I realize now that Katie is just a miniature version of me, even as a baby she would do this all the time.  But just Saturday I got our letter from the teacher, welcoming us to the new school (yes Katie, everyone in your class will be new, not just you, I promise!), telling us about all the great things to come, and then providing us with a list of things we need to bring.  These are the things I remember:

  1. Clorox wipes (2 containers - lots of cleaning going on.)
  2. Regular wipes (2 containers - what are we cleaning with these?)
  3. Tissue boxes (2 boxes)
  4. Undies and socks in a ziplock bag (I guess they are still prone to accidents at this age...)
Things needed every day:

  1. Water (Can I pack a gallon - Katie drinks a lot of water)
  2. 2 juices (2?!  Katie will never get through those.  Maybe I will fill the juice boxes with water and fake them out)
  3. Healthy Snack (uh-oh - I need some help here.  More later)
  4. Lunch with lots of options in case they are picky (she is)
  5. Check the folder every night for homework.  That's MY homework...I thought I was finished with school...
Ok, peeps...Healthy snacks?  I went to Target over the weekend to get all the supplies.  Yes, that very day.  Did you miss the part that said I love back to school shopping?  I get to the snack aisle and I blanked.  What do I give this child for lunch and healthy snacks?  I am not a snacker by nature.  IF I do snack, it is most likely not going to be a healthy one.  This is why I don't do it.  Sure if I didn't have a care in the world I would plop down in front of the tv and snack on ho-ho's and cheese doodles, but I can't do it.  So I avoid it.  But now I am faced with making good decisions for my little one...Does this mean it could spread to our family like an epidemic of some sort?  Could we all magically turn into healthy snack eaters?  Probably not, but it is worth a shot!
I ended up leaving the aisle with nothing.  I didn't know what to do.  I decided that I would take Ms. Picky to the store and we would pick out snacks together.  Maybe this would get her excited to go to school, knowing that she packed her lunch.  It would also be interesting to see what exactly she picks out.  She already told me no to goldfish, but yes to fruit snacks...Really?  I know I can do fruit, but I always hated fruit in my lunch bag as a kid.  It would be all warm....Yuck.  I did find these little snack boxes with built in freezer packs that would be kinda cool for grapes or strawberries or something.  So, let's see what I have so far...

  1. Fresh Fruit
  2. Baked Lays
  3. Fruit snacks
  4. Jello (who gets full from Jello?)
  5. Yogurt
That's it.  That's all I got so far...Man this is going to be a long process...

On the good side...We started our new schedule today and everyone seemed to adapt wonderfully.  That was promising!  I actually was able to work out, and get ready, and be at work at my normal time!  If I keep up the workouts I think I will take the 100.00 a month I was going to spend at the gym and spend it on vacation...Sounds like a plan!

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