Thursday, August 18, 2011


In response to my Stripped post...Life is never easy.  Last night I was so excited that I finally removed the stripped screw.  I could hardly contain myself.  Imagine my dismay when I went to Home Depot today only to find out they can't find a match for the screw.  What the hell?  As of now I am going to take the crib over, set it up, and screw in this blasted screw with my trusty Vice Grips.  My brain hurts too much to even think about any other solution...

Does anyone else feel screwed after they eat a frozen diet meal for lunch?  I certainly do.  Those things are about as helpful as my screw.  I just ate an hour ago and I am already hungry!  Granted I think I eat more food than most, but still...I just finished a bag of pretzel m&m's...So much for "diet food".  What else can I eat?  Tomorrow I go back to sandwich's!

But, my phone is fine...Second time that dude has been in the tub.  I need to get off the phone while I am near the tubby!

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