Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Starting up...

I was at a very good friends house tonight and as I was rambling on about various crap in my life she told me I should have a blog.  Why the heck would I have a blog???  Apparently she finds some of the junk I ramble on about to be interesting.  HA!  Maybe you will too, maybe I will at least be able to help someone out who is in a similar situation as me.  
Who am I?  Just a mid-west girl living in Jersey with 2 kids and a hubby.  I work full time (with my husband!), and just try to get 8 hours of house work done in a 2 hour time frame every night.  I never succeed at this, but that is to be expected!  I was terrible in English/grammer/writing class growing up...I will have run on sentences like crazy and if those little red squigles didn't show up there would be misspellings all over the place.  I figure you all get the point what I am trying to say.  I have accepted this about myself and moved on...
What do I like to do?  Somehow I have made it a sport to save money and find a deal.  Not the sweat and get a workout sport, but more like a have to practice and become a pro sport.  I will admit that I do sometimes sweat while in Target, or god help me if I am at a sample sale...I would dare to think that I am getting a workout while rummaging through boxes of purses or racks of clothes.  I love deals, even if they are fake deals, I have to admit I still love them.  I don't do a cross analysis on whether this is better than that.  Sometimes I am just happy with knowing that I probably saved a buck or 2, or better yet, I saved someone else a buck or 2.  I really love that!  I always have something bizarre going on, and I am always planning waaaayyyyy too far into the future, sometimes obsessively.  That is mostly for vacations, and worrying about stuff that I have no control over.  Katie starting big girl school...What will that be like, how will she do???  This keeps me up at night.  She will be fine, we will be fine, it will all work out, but I still obsess over it...Yikes!

The rest we will figure out as we go along...Here we go...

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