Monday, August 22, 2011

Life Alterations...

As with many people I am finding myself in unchartered waters this coming month...It is called Back to school.  I know this has been going on for years and years, and I myself went through it, but it is a little different now that I am suddenly in charge.  I can remember bringing in my little boxes of tissues, and pencils, pencil boxes, etc etc.  I used to LOVE the back to school shopping.  Not for clothes since I was in a uniform, but all the notebooks and backpacks.  I would come home and pack everything up, then unpack and re-pack.  I realize now that Katie is just a miniature version of me, even as a baby she would do this all the time.  But just Saturday I got our letter from the teacher, welcoming us to the new school (yes Katie, everyone in your class will be new, not just you, I promise!), telling us about all the great things to come, and then providing us with a list of things we need to bring.  These are the things I remember:

  1. Clorox wipes (2 containers - lots of cleaning going on.)
  2. Regular wipes (2 containers - what are we cleaning with these?)
  3. Tissue boxes (2 boxes)
  4. Undies and socks in a ziplock bag (I guess they are still prone to accidents at this age...)
Things needed every day:

  1. Water (Can I pack a gallon - Katie drinks a lot of water)
  2. 2 juices (2?!  Katie will never get through those.  Maybe I will fill the juice boxes with water and fake them out)
  3. Healthy Snack (uh-oh - I need some help here.  More later)
  4. Lunch with lots of options in case they are picky (she is)
  5. Check the folder every night for homework.  That's MY homework...I thought I was finished with school...
Ok, peeps...Healthy snacks?  I went to Target over the weekend to get all the supplies.  Yes, that very day.  Did you miss the part that said I love back to school shopping?  I get to the snack aisle and I blanked.  What do I give this child for lunch and healthy snacks?  I am not a snacker by nature.  IF I do snack, it is most likely not going to be a healthy one.  This is why I don't do it.  Sure if I didn't have a care in the world I would plop down in front of the tv and snack on ho-ho's and cheese doodles, but I can't do it.  So I avoid it.  But now I am faced with making good decisions for my little one...Does this mean it could spread to our family like an epidemic of some sort?  Could we all magically turn into healthy snack eaters?  Probably not, but it is worth a shot!
I ended up leaving the aisle with nothing.  I didn't know what to do.  I decided that I would take Ms. Picky to the store and we would pick out snacks together.  Maybe this would get her excited to go to school, knowing that she packed her lunch.  It would also be interesting to see what exactly she picks out.  She already told me no to goldfish, but yes to fruit snacks...Really?  I know I can do fruit, but I always hated fruit in my lunch bag as a kid.  It would be all warm....Yuck.  I did find these little snack boxes with built in freezer packs that would be kinda cool for grapes or strawberries or something.  So, let's see what I have so far...

  1. Fresh Fruit
  2. Baked Lays
  3. Fruit snacks
  4. Jello (who gets full from Jello?)
  5. Yogurt
That's it.  That's all I got so far...Man this is going to be a long process...

On the good side...We started our new schedule today and everyone seemed to adapt wonderfully.  That was promising!  I actually was able to work out, and get ready, and be at work at my normal time!  If I keep up the workouts I think I will take the 100.00 a month I was going to spend at the gym and spend it on vacation...Sounds like a plan!

Friday, August 19, 2011

My favorite day.....

Friday has become my new favorite day of the week.  Not for the typical reasons like start of the weekend, summer hours (for all you lucky folks out there), etc. etc.  But Fridays now signify something a little more special and exciting to me.  A few weeks back I decided that my lunch was getting a little too expensive.  I had started going to an absolutely wonderful place called Chop't.  The salads are amazing and as a result I actually started losing weight!  It was the great kind of weight loss too because I didn't even feel like I was making an effort.  The only downside - It is expensive!  I'm not saying it isn't worth it - it totally is.  The ingredients are as fresh as they can be, the portion is the perfect amount, and the quality is outstanding.  Plus it is all organic, and they care about recycling!  How can you go wrong?  My bill would end up being about 11.00, and that was just a lot to spend on lunch every day.  Especially when my particularly frugal husband would go down to Mamouns and spend 2.50 for lunch.  One could argue that it all evens out, and I did that for a while, but then I had an idea.  A perfectly brilliant idea!  In earlier posts I had mentioned a plan for going to Disney.  I mentioned the Annual Passes and how that could save a good amount of money.  I also left you with a cliff hanger.  I know you have been sitting on the edge of your seat, haven't you?  Ok, so then I decided...How could I possibly sit with an AP in my pocket for a year and not take a little side trip?  That is just not possible!  So then I decided to take a look...Hmmm, Katie's birthday would be on a Saturday while we have our AP.  What if I picked her up from school on Friday and surprised her with a trip to Disney!  Just her and I?  How fun would that be?!?!?!  Well, it gets better.  Then I saw that AP holders get a pretty steep discount on hotels during certain times of the year.  I started with staying at a Value but then I thought about it.  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity here.  I think we should live it up and stay at the Grand Floridian.  I have always wanted to stay there, and I need to seize the opportunity.  Plus, it is 40% off...Who can say no to that?  NOT ME!  But, there was a guilt cloud hanging over me.  Why do I get to do this while we leave the boys at home.  Why do I get to choose to stay at a super luxury resort, while the boys are stuck back in Jersey?  So I decided to do something to offset the cost of our girls extravaganza trip (this will include spa visits, yummy meals, tea parties, and I'm sure a good deal of shopping).  SO, I decided that I would start bringing my lunch to work.  For every day I brought my lunch to work, I would deposit 10.00 into a separate savings account.  This is done on Fridays (I even have a reminder in my Outlook although I don't think it is needed!).  This has also had a bit of a domino effect.  Guess who else is having a homemade lunch with me?  Yep, my dear hubby.  I then allow 5.00 per day that he also eats in house.  So that is a potential 75.00 a week that is saved into the vacation account.  I know what you are saying...I am taking his money for my trip.  No, no, no.  This money is for anyone to go on vacation.  I did the math and by the time Ms. K and I go on our trip we will have double what we need!  All from bringing a lunch!  That can then go towards another vacation for the whole family!  I love it, I love it, I love it!  If for nothing else, it has prompted me to start doing something I should have been doing all along, and that is making yummy, healthy lunches for me and the hubs, and saving money to boot!

But the plans have changed a bit (I believe for the better)...Last year we went to the Christmas party, which happens to be going on during K's birthday.  It was really great.  If you have never done it I highly recommend doing it at least once.  I have heard some scuttle that the Halloween party is even better...Sooooo, I checked out the calendar, and looked and found that Columbus weekend would actually be better for us girls to go.  For a couple of reasons...

  1. That is the first Friday of the month, and as I am learning, that means half day in the land of school. This means we leave Thursday night or first thing Friday.
  2. Monday will be no school because of said holiday.  Extra day!
  3. This one is for hubs - Daycare is open and work is closed on Monday.
  4. Food and Wine is going on (YIPPEE!), AND the Halloween party - Fun times!
Sounds like a party to me!  And to answer the question that is on your mind...I don't know how I plan this far in advance, I just do.  I have always been this way, and when it comes to Disney planning is half the fun!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


In response to my Stripped post...Life is never easy.  Last night I was so excited that I finally removed the stripped screw.  I could hardly contain myself.  Imagine my dismay when I went to Home Depot today only to find out they can't find a match for the screw.  What the hell?  As of now I am going to take the crib over, set it up, and screw in this blasted screw with my trusty Vice Grips.  My brain hurts too much to even think about any other solution...

Does anyone else feel screwed after they eat a frozen diet meal for lunch?  I certainly do.  Those things are about as helpful as my screw.  I just ate an hour ago and I am already hungry!  Granted I think I eat more food than most, but still...I just finished a bag of pretzel m&m's...So much for "diet food".  What else can I eat?  Tomorrow I go back to sandwich's!

But, my phone is fine...Second time that dude has been in the tub.  I need to get off the phone while I am near the tubby!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today was a small victory for me.  After months of trying to get a stripped screw out (see my Stripped post), I finally got it out!  I went and bought some Vice Grips, something every girl needs in her toolbox, and a screw extractor.  I was told by the nice man at the hardware store that my epoxy idea was a no go, so I had to listen to him...Deep in my heart I really wanted to try it one more time, but I spared myself the anger...Anyways, Greg took the kids to the park after dinner tonight and I marched myself right upstairs with those vice grips (still in my dress, I might add) and busted out.  I think the key was to make the crib sides a little more level.  Once I wedged something in there to make it level, it started turning.  It was hard at first but once I got one good turn in there I knew it was going to come out.  I was sooo excited!  I immediately texted numerous people to tell them of my accomplishment, and then posted a picture of that damn screw on facebook.  It made me feel like I defeated Malificent, and saved the kingdom...Ok, maybe not that much, but still.  Now we can move on with our lives.  The crib can be passed on, along with all my other baby gear that I will no longer need (please pause for a moment while I sob), and we can turn the play room into something other than a holding pen for all the junk I gathered up.

Another victory...I went to Banana Republic at lunch today.  I found some great stuff on the sale rack, with an additional 25% off.  Awesome!  I found a great navy blazer, and got a lesson from the ladies in the dressing room about how stuff really fits me.  I tend to wear clothes one size too big...In case you didn't know, they are currently giving you 25.00 in Banana credit for every 50.00 you spend.  Of course they are pretty hard core about the rules of cashing those babies in, but I know I will make it work somehow!

And it can't all be triumphant...As I was chatting with my brother on the phone this evening, I was trying to multi-task and give Katie a bath at the same time.  As I bent over to wash her hair my Blackberry fell right in the tub.  Damn!  I dried it out right away but none of the keys are working yet.  I'll give it until tomorrow, but if it isn't working by then, I will be at Verizon for lunch...

PS - The screw extractor was useless, and as far as I can tell it is a myth that those things really work!


I have to admit something...I am completely obsessed with Disney World.  I don't wear the clothes and look for hidden Mickey's while in the grocery store, but I LOVE going!  I have always loved it.  When I was a kid we went every year, and even though my childhood was not the best, I still loved this vacation every year.  Granted, I got to experience Disney like few do...Maybe that is part of it.  I don't know.  I think I would have loved it either way.  Have you ever had a Gold Key Card?  Oh man, that was a rare thing that Disney had back in the 80's, and it was awesome.  Think Disney Dining Plan on steroids.  No points, just walk in and order whatever you want, wherever you want.  Golf carts around downtown Disney (which was The Village at Lake Buena Vista or something like that).  Woo-Hoo that was fun.  Those days are long gone, and while I did take 2 trips there when I was older without kids, I must say that taking my kids to Disney is one of my great pleasures in life. As soon as I get there it makes me happy.  Oddly, I actually enjoy staying off property.  I never thought I would like it, but by accident we did it one year and have ever since.  This is not to say I wouldn't like to stay on property at some point.  In fact, I have plans to do so...I actually have a nice elaborate plan for the next year and a half that involves 3 trips!  It all started with an idea and has snowballed into a year of wonderfulness!  We have been twice already.  The first time (the accident) was a fluke.  I have a timeshare (I don't know if they are a good idea or not, so don't ask my opinion) and in 2008 I was so agitated with the cold winter weather that I declared we MUST go away somewhere warm.  I looked on my timeshare website for what would be available in the winter months, and Orlando popped up for January.  Katie will have just turned 2, and that would be fun to sit in the sun and play in the pool.  Ok, great!  Then it started...Well, what if we just go to Disney for one day.  She is so young she won't even know, but how can I go there and not go to Disney?  The price of one day will make you fall off your chair, so it suddenly became a 4 (maybe 5) day pass.  Everyone told me I was crazy.  Katie will never remember it, you are wasting your money, I heard from all the naysayers...She was free btw.  So we went, while Dan the Man was still in my belly.  I think that was my favorite trip ever!  She was super adorable when she met the characters, she would open up and give them hugs and kisses...That was a big deal for my otherwise reserved little one!  I always tell people to take their kids at that age...They won't remember it, but the pictures and the moments you will have will be amazing!  I guarantee it!  Katie still loves to watch her "Dickey-Doe" video, and look at all the pictures, and I have such fond memories of that trip...They only are that size once!

So now, fast forward a few years and Katie is in school...We have to suddenly follow a school schedule!  You know what that means...So does everyone else and we can only go when it will be crowded.  OH NO!!!  We are from Jersey, we spend a lot of time in NYC, we will be cool.  Right?  Well, just in case I have  devised a plan that will ensure that we will be cool.  Besides me being a drill sergeant every morning and waking everyone up so we can be there at "rope drop".  Keep in mind this is the only time in my life where I will be waking everyone in the morning...I hate mornings...But for the kids at Disney, I will wake my sorry self up.  Then I got to thinking...An Annual Pass would be a smart move.  I think I dislike the month of April the most out of any other month. For me growing up in STL, April is nice, spring is on it's way, you get some nice days thrown in there, you can open the windows a few times...Here, in the NE, April sucks!  I still have it in my head it is going to be nice...It's not.  So what better way to make it nice then to go to Disney?  I did a little looking and apparently spring break in 2012 and 2013 all fall into a one year time frame!  Sounds like a good reason to get an Annual Pass and save a few bucks.  Hello, free parking saves us a TON!  Worth it right there!  But then I said to myself...How can I have this Annual Pass and not take advantage of it fully?  I can't do that!  So then I decided to plan a surprise trip.....I'll keep you guessing for now.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I finally did it.  We moved our son Danny into a big boy room after he was straddling the crib one brave night shortly after his 2nd birthday.  I hated the prospect of this daunting task.  Shift all the rooms in the house to make everyone happy.  That's not going to happen.  The nursery turns into a play room.  Greg's music room turns into Danny's Big Boy room, the guest room turns into Greg's music room and a guest room on the side.  Before we do this we have to have the ceiling replaced in Danny's soon to be new room...It had had a leak from our evil flat roof before and caved in, and while Greg didn't mind the big hole and nasty brown spots, I couldn't make Danny go into a stained nasty room...Ok fine, we replace the ceiling 2 weeks ago...Danny moves to his room.  Let me back up...First we tried a toddler bed...Please, for the love of all things holy, don't do this.  Who the hell invented a toddler bed?  A tiny little bed that kids can jump off of for hours of entertainment.  A tiny little bed that has tiny little rails on the side to keep them in. They don't keep them in, every morning my little guy would wake up half way across the room because he would roll out in the middle of the night and then proceed to roll all over the floor.  This brings me to the crib.  We had this crib delivered to our house when we were expecting Katie.  They came in, set it up, life was bliss with my beautiful Italian crib.  It made it through 2 kids and was a great crib.  In comes the toddler bed and the crib needs to be taken down.  I take out all the screws, and I get to the last screw...It's stripped...Damn!  I proceed to try every trick in the book for getting this screw out so I can officially take down the crib.  I use a rubberband.  Nope.  I use a pliers.  Nope.  I use a screw extractor.  Nope.  I superglued a nut to the top of the screw, waited for it to dry and then took a pliers to it.  Nope.  Tomorrow I am going to try epoxy.  I was hopeful with the superglue idea, it actually turned a slight bit before it popped off, so I am thinking epoxy might do the trick.  Any other ideas?  I am set to give my crib to our cousin on Saturday and I have no way of getting her the crib if I can't take it apart, and I don't want my beautiful crib to get hurt in the making of this blog...Did I tell you that 2 days ago when we had that insanely heavy rain, I came home to a puddle on Danny's bed.  That ceiling made it 2 f&%$'ing weeks!

Starting up...

I was at a very good friends house tonight and as I was rambling on about various crap in my life she told me I should have a blog.  Why the heck would I have a blog???  Apparently she finds some of the junk I ramble on about to be interesting.  HA!  Maybe you will too, maybe I will at least be able to help someone out who is in a similar situation as me.  
Who am I?  Just a mid-west girl living in Jersey with 2 kids and a hubby.  I work full time (with my husband!), and just try to get 8 hours of house work done in a 2 hour time frame every night.  I never succeed at this, but that is to be expected!  I was terrible in English/grammer/writing class growing up...I will have run on sentences like crazy and if those little red squigles didn't show up there would be misspellings all over the place.  I figure you all get the point what I am trying to say.  I have accepted this about myself and moved on...
What do I like to do?  Somehow I have made it a sport to save money and find a deal.  Not the sweat and get a workout sport, but more like a have to practice and become a pro sport.  I will admit that I do sometimes sweat while in Target, or god help me if I am at a sample sale...I would dare to think that I am getting a workout while rummaging through boxes of purses or racks of clothes.  I love deals, even if they are fake deals, I have to admit I still love them.  I don't do a cross analysis on whether this is better than that.  Sometimes I am just happy with knowing that I probably saved a buck or 2, or better yet, I saved someone else a buck or 2.  I really love that!  I always have something bizarre going on, and I am always planning waaaayyyyy too far into the future, sometimes obsessively.  That is mostly for vacations, and worrying about stuff that I have no control over.  Katie starting big girl school...What will that be like, how will she do???  This keeps me up at night.  She will be fine, we will be fine, it will all work out, but I still obsess over it...Yikes!

The rest we will figure out as we go along...Here we go...