Saturday, May 30, 2015

Arbonne RE9 - I love you!

I would like to go into a little more depth about the RE9 products.  These are the products that got me hooked on Arbonne.  I guess you can already tell it will be a glowing review, but I will go into a little more depth.

First of all there are 5 steps.  That seems like a lot at first glance.  Trust me when I tell you - it goes fast!  This is what the products look like when they come for the first time.  I was so happy to receive my brand new box of goodies!

So, let's get started.  First off, you wash your face.  Easy enough, that's a standard, right?!  After washing your face you spray the toner.  One spritz, done.  Renewal Serum, one pump - rub on your face...Fast!  Next comes the eye creme...This one is tough for me because I really only want a half a pump.  Half a pump for both eyes, and I am done.  Usually I forget and do a whole pump.  Step 5 is day creme with sunscreen SPF 20.  I am hoping we all do that anyway - it is so important!!  At night that step is swapped out for night creme.  Boom - you're done!  I line up the bottles at my "beauty area" and just zip through the steps.  My skin that feels this amazing, I will do it!

So, next you are probably thinking - 5 steps...This must be expensive!  It depends.  If you are used to using drugstore products, then you will have a bit of sticker shock.  If you are used to using Clinique, you will notice it is about the same.  If you are used to using more upscale products - you are going to be saving a ton of money!

The BEST part of all is that I am no longer putting harsh chemicals all over my face!  I never really thought about it, but when they told me it takes 26 seconds for your body to bring in all the junk that is in other products it got me thinking.  I just assumed that products had to be good for you...You know what happens when you assume, right!?  Please think about what you are putting on your body!!

But you could get everything for FREE!  All you have to do is host a party!  Simple!  Invite 4-5 of your friends over for a spa party, and receive great rewards as a host!

Check my website for more details on all of our products!  Up next, mascara and eyeliner!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Arbonne Love!!

So recently a co-worker introduced me to Arbonne...Try it out, she says.  Just take home the bag and use the 5 steps.  5 STEPS???  That seems like a lot, but ok, I'm a sport, I'll try it.  I didn't even know what it was.

I washed my face at 9:30 at night before bed and I texted her.  My face has NEVER felt that way in my life!

Let me give a brief back-story.  I had had acne since about 4th grade.  I have tried everything.  Natural, chemical, the only thing I did not try was accutane, because I read that if you are even thinking of having kids soon, it could give them spina-bifida....WHAT???  I was only a teenager at the time (not thinking of having kids obviously) but that bothered me.  No thank you!  I'll keep the zits!

I tried every item.  Then someone told me about Pro-Activ.  I tried it...It worked to a point.  It was clearer than it used to be - so ok!  BUT - everytime I laid my head on the pillow it bleached the pillowcases.  I started travelling with a towel so I wouldn't ruin people's sheets.  That also started to bother me!  Am I putting bleach on my face??

I ended up clearing up pretty much completely when I had my kids.  Maybe it was all hormonal? I started washing my face with oil (a mix of castor and olive) and that worked well until the summer, when I couldn't get the mix right.  I gave up soap all together and it has been pretty good.  But I still wanted to wash my face.  I tried various Sephora items, but I didn't like those either.

Back to Arbonne.....I was able to try the products for 3 days.  She gave me a full kit, like what I would get if I purchased it.  I didn't want to give it back!  But I had to :(  Something inside of me right then just clicked....I HAD to sell this stuff.  I HAD to be part of this company.  I have a full time job already,  I have 2 kids.  I don't care.  I had to work for them.  I didn't even know anything about the company - it was just calling me.  I am doing it in my spare time for now.  I hope I can make it full time one day, but for now I just want people to realize what is out there in store bought products and help people be healthy.  These products are all-natural, no chemicals, and nothing harmful to you or to animals.  Wonderful!

Then I tried the detox program.  WOW!  I thought it was going to be a tough go, but I find this to be remarkable!  I have no problem giving up caffeine, sugar, gluten, dairy...WHAT???  No coffee?  I don't even care!  I journaled my first few days of the detox and I have taken before pictures.  Now I am just living in detox and I love it, but I will post my first few days for all to read.  It is a very easy program!  I love it!  I have a whole kit of Vegan Protein powder - some of the best tasting powder out there!  Fizz sticks to give you energy by way of vitamins.  Fiber, Pro-biotics, and detox tea.

If you want to know more about the products please comment here, or visit my site!

Please don't forget - What you put ON your body is just as important as what you put IN your body!

Stay Healthy!