Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wow - it has been a long time...So much has happened since I was here last...Too much to get into, let's continue...

I was sending my husband an article this morning about yet another place I would like to eat at some point when we go back to Disney (386 days but who's counting??), and in the body I wrote..."So many places to stuff our faces...".  Not to be too full of myself, but I LOVED it!  I may hate it tomorrow, but today I think it is so catchy!  I googled it and it came up with no results!  The only time that happens to me is when I horribly misspell something, or I am trying to find out why one of my programs is not behaving.  WOW - did I really think of that and no one else has?  I had to come here and document it (for what I don't know yet)!

I have been a little obsessed with food this week.  Why?  Why else...I made a change to my diet.  I am eating "healthier" (that term is so subjective.  I am not a politically correct person, so for me - this is healthier).  I have started the 4 hour body, but maybe I am only doing 3 hours of it :)  I am doing the food to the T.  The exercise portion - not at all.  Not to say that I am not exercising.  I am probably doing more now than I have since I was 19, I am just not swinging kettle balls.  I have been going to a fitbody boot camp in the mornings...I am amazed at how much I really love it.  I think it has transformed my life.  I have been going since November (I think it was November...Maybe December) and I think I might be addicted.  Prior I had started a running regime with a friend down the block.  Being that we are all busy Mom's it is almost impossible to fit in an exercise program.  My friend and I decided that the only time would be 6:15 am.  Surprisingly, it started out great!  Then winter hit...It hit HARD.  No more running for us, all the sidewalks were covered in ice and the air was so cold 2 of my 3 bathrooms FROZE!  Just about the time I had given up completely, I got a message from a close friend...

Hey - do you want to come try out a bootcamp with me at 6:00 am?  I will pick you up at 5:45.

Who in their right mind says yes to that?  I was (ok, had been) doing 6:15 running and I thought that was insane.  How could I possibly wake up at 5:30?  I am NOT, under any circumstances, a morning person.......

But, I said yes.  I'm not sure why, I think someone else may have been talking for me that day.

The first day the "bullhorn", as my husband refers to my iphone alarm sound, went off and I thought I would die.  I dragged myself up, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs to wait (I put on my gym clothes the night before so I can sleep an extra 5-10 minutes...That is how much I hate the morning)...Maybe she will have slept in and I won't have to do this...Nope, here she comes!

We get there, and the guy instantly has us running laps.  We finish and he has us doing stuff that I never would have imagined doing at 6:00 am.  Squats, lunges, burpees (I would like to have a stern chat with the inventor of those), jumping jacks, you name it, we did it.  But at 6:30 the whistle blew and we were done.  I think the whistle woke me up.

At the end he asked if we were coming back in 2 days...I gave my typical, hmmm, I don't know, let me check response, and my friend said to me.  No, just come, don't think about it, just come.  So I said ok.

The next day...For the love of God, I was soooooo sore!  How on earth would I be able to go to bootcamp tomorrow?  My body is usually pretty sore the next day, and holy crap what have I done sore, the day after that.  I get a txt that night...Bootcamp tomorrow?  I txt back...ok.

The next morning we show up...I may have been limping...I start my laps, we go into the gym part and he starts with his routine of telling us what to do (if men are there he yells at us, if it is just us ladies, it is more of a stern "do this").  I made it through, no problems...How did that happen?  I was in pretty bad shape when I walked in.  This is now a trend of bootcamp.  I walk out feeling better than when I walked in...Cool!

So now, we aim for 3 days a week, and unless weather or sickness gets in the way, we make it.  We actually miss it if we don't go...How sick is that??

Mornings when I go, all is good in the house.  Mornings when I sleep in, all hell breaks loose.  Clearly, it is better for everyone if I get up and get out.  I am home before the kids are awake, and I come in their rooms, see their adorable faces sleeping, and then I am the most annoying cheerleader ever, as I convince them they should get up and get out of bed...Some mornings I think they want to smack me.  I'm ok with that :)

This morning I came home and my daughter (7) was up and setting the table.  She wanted to surprise us.  I thought I was in the Twilight Zone....

Coming soon:
So Many Places to stuff our faces...In, where else?  Disney!